Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Third roundabout

On our the third week of roundabouts we did, 3D and illustration.

During 3D we pick a photograph of our choice and reproduce a a 3D sculpture from that photograph,I chose a long exposure self portrait of my mum, all the photograph was blurred.

I welded the frame of the piece and used thin wire to create the image.

In illustration we again had to chose a photograph  to trace, we then using different techniques produced the same image differently, for example using ink paper and then working back into the image with different materials.

we then used a process called 'image maker' which was a process using PVA glue to make a image transfer, you glued one side of your image and then fixed it onto a piece of material (cloth) waited 4-8 hours until dry and then removed the paper to reveal the image.

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